What is GSYG (Good Shepherd Youth Group)?
GSYG is a group of teens who are a part of the Good Shepherd Catholic Church community. We gather regularly to empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today, to draw them to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Body of Christ, and to foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person.
In this crazy and changing world that we live in, GSYG goals are to share our Lord’s Hope with our young people, to teach them His Truth, and to help them share in His Life.
Teens : Why should I get involved?
You are an important part of God’s plan! Your gifts and talents come from Him. GSYG will help you grow a personal relationship with Jesus, discern what His plan maybe for your life, and discover the gifts He gave you to share with the world. You are the future of the Church on Earth. You are Christ’s Hand’s, you are part of His “Kingdom come”. You are soldiers of Christ through Confirmation. And you are not alone!
During our meetings we have fun through games and activities, we grow friendships, and learn about our Catholic faith. We help each other with the daily struggles of being a faithful child of God in today’s world. We go to other parishes to meet teens from around the area who are like us, go on a weekend retreat, and do service projects. We plan events like Breakfast with Santa to help children in our community and help out with other parish events.
GSYG is a ministry to give you the opportunity to actively grow in your relationship with Jesus and take part in the life of the Catholic Church. As a baptized member of the Church, Jesus Christ calls you to follow in his footsteps and make a difference in the world today. You can make a difference! . . . In the words of the Holy Father: “Offer your youthful energies and your talents to building a civilization of Christian love . . . commit yourself to the struggle for justice, solidarity, and peace” (Homily at World Youth Day, Denver, 1993).
If you have questions or would like to volunteer, please contact:
Coordinator of Youth Ministry – David Smith