Properly called, “The Sacrament of Healing,” Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament ministered by the Church to those who are ill, infirmed, or those anticipating or recovering from surgery to give comfort, peace, and courage to the person suffering. “By the sacred anointing of the sick and the prayer of the priests, the whole Church commends those who are ill to the suffering and glorified Lord, that he may raise them up and save them.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church)

Good Shepherd offers this Sacrament to all members of the parish and its celebration can be easily arranged:
- When you are attending Mass, and are e.g., anticipating surgery, simply ask one of our priests to celebrate the Sacrament with you following Mass.
- You can also call the parish office at 810-639-7600.
Guidelines for Receiving the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
- For someone diagnosed with a serious illness (something like cancer verses spraining an ankle or a cold.)
- For someone who is elderly, pneumonia could be reason for anointing as this can be very serious
- Before surgery
- In a situation with a serious set back to an illness/disease
- In dealing with setbacks of old age
If you are not sure if you can receive the Anointing of the Sick don’t hesitate to ask a priest or call the parish office we would be glad to help.
Please Note: The Anointing of the Sick is not a substitution for the sacrament of Confession, and if a person is able to go to Confession (not in a coma or dealing with dementia, etc.) They should receive BOTH sacraments.
In Hospital or Nursing Home
If someone is admitted to a hospital or nursing home, contacting the parish, and so the priests know, is always recommended and encouraged. In most cases one of our priests or another priest will come out to anoint and hear confession, if that’s appropriate.
In Case of Emergency
- Contact the parish office at 810-639-7600 (during office hours)
- After hours call the parish rectory at 810-659-8553
- If you don’t hear back from a priest in a reasonable amount of time (some days it could be several hours), then it’s always OK to call another parish/parish rectory. Also, hospitals usually have a chaplain who can help.
If Someone is Nearing Death or Has Died
- If someone is nearing death, it is recommended to contact the parish (810-639-7600). The family/person shouldn’t feel that they have to wait until the person is actively dying, indeed please don’t wait till then, call before.
- If someone has already died calling a priest is a good idea and we always respond to such calls as best we can, usually coming to the house or hospital and praying with the family.