Please let the Parish Office know when someone in your family is ill.
If you would like to have Communion brought to the ill or shut-in at home, please call the Parish Office at 810-639-7600.
Please Note:
If you or a family member is hospitalized at McLaren or Hurley, please inform our Parish Office secretary. These two hospitals do not have a system in place that will notify the patient’s parish so that they can be visited and receive the sacraments while hospitalized.
Genesys Hospital does call each parish.
Spiritual Communion Prayer
If you are homebound and can not receive Jesus in Holy Communion.
You can offer a “Spiritual Communion”. One suggested form is:
“O, Lord Jesus, since I am unable at this time to receive You in
the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist, I beg You to come spiritually into
my heart in the spirit of Your holiness, in the truth of Your goodness,
in the fullness of Your power, in the communion of Your mysteries, and
in the perfection of Your ways. O Lord, I believe, I trust, I glorify
You. I’m sorry for all my sins. O Sacrament most Holy, O Sacrament
divine, al praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine. Amen.