This weekend is our Diocesan Services Appeal Commitment Weekend. I invite all members of our parish community to join in support of our annual appeal. Our parish goal is $15,312.00. No gift is too small…every dollar donated helps those in our parish and in our unified efforts in the wider church. Further, one-half of all paid contributions received, over and above our parish goal, will be returned for our local use here at Good Shepherd Parish.
You can submit your DSA pledge envelope during Mass this weekend—or take your DSA envelope home to prayerfully consider your gift decision. Those paying by cash or check are invited to return their completed pledge form in the DSA envelope to our parish office. Those who wish to pay by credit card or electronic funds transfer may enter your gift online at Every one of our parish households is encouraged to reflect on how they can bear witness to our faith in Jesus Christ by supporting the work of the DSA this year.