Gather in fellowship with hundreds of other men ages 14 and above to hear from dynamic speakers about How the Lord wants to IGNITE your spirit to live as a faithful Catholic in our post-Christian world.
This conference is not meant to simply ignite your Faith for a day, but to invite men across the diocese to build strong Christian communities in their homes, parishes, and workplaces that burn with zeal for the Lord.
Join us to connect with other Catholic men from around the state, hear from nationally renowned speakers, spend time in prayer and adoration, engage with exciting Catholic ministries, and celebrate Mass with Bishop Boyea!

Watch as NFL Super Bowl Champion, Matt Birk, invites you to join him at Ignite, the Diocese of Lansing Catholic Men’s Conference, which is being held in Ypislanti, Michigan, on Saturday, March 22, 2025. As well as Matt, other speakers include:
Dr. Jonathan Reyes: Senior advisor with the Knights of Columbus, known for his work in Catholic social justice and education.
Peter Herbeck: Director at Renewal Ministries, evangelist with a passion for faith renewal and missionary outreach.
Father Joe Krupp: A dynamic priest from the Diocese of Lansing and media personality, offering a relatable perspective on living Catholic values.
The Most Reverend Earl Boyea: Bishop of Lansing, who will celebrate Holy Mass and offer his insights on faith in today’s world.
The event is organized in conjunction with the Knights of Columbus and will take place at the Gervin GameAbove Center in Ypsilanti, MI, from 9AM to 5PM. The conference welcomes men ages 14 and up.
* To register and learn more, go to: