“You Are my Chosen Witnesses.” This scripture from the Prophet Isaiah shows us that we are called to bear witness to our faith in Jesus Christ.
Our Diocesan Services Appeal is one such opportunity to provide that witness to our Catholic faith. Our witnesses indicate that our existence and experiences reflect God’s glory and truth to the nations and that our offerings and their effects are a powerful testimony to both our community and to the broader society of our Catholic faith.
Next weekend, our parish will conduct Commitment Weekend for our Diocesan Services Appeal. This is when we will be asking each member of Good Shepherd Parish to consider a generous gift to DSA. Our parish goal of $15,312.11 can be reached if each one of us responds to God’s call to be witnesses and shares a portion of the many blessings God has bestowed upon us. Please prayerfully consider how you or your family will respond to this call to witness the work of Christ in our community.