A set of three sisters, Audrey, Adeline, and Anna, attend Catechesis of the Good Shepherd on Tuesday afternoons. Adeline and Anna work on growing closer to Jesus in the Level II atrium. Audrey is in Level III.
Recently, material about the Good Shepherd has been in use while working on parables such as the Found Sheep, and the Wolf and Hireling. The children sit and ponder the sheep, sheepfold, Good Shepherd figurine, and then begin sharing their thoughts about how the Good Shepherd knows his sheep and they will only follow his voice; no other.
As an extension of this work, children had an opportunity to view an 18-inch Good Shepherd resin figurine. Some children placed it in front of them and drew their own version of it. Some children placed it on their work rug and gazed at it. Adeline, who made her First Holy Communion last April, seemed to have developed a special bond with the Good Shepherd. She asked her catechist if she could carry the Good Shepherd around the atrium and let it accompany her while she worked. Adeline seemed brighter and more joyful than ever as she proudly carried the Good Shepherd figurine in the atrium.
This natural progression of gazing to praying to holding, and to letting the Good Shepherd live inside her heart was obvious to everyone. The next week, Adeline gravitated to the Good Shepherd once again. After prayerful consideration, it was agreed upon by the students and catechist that the Good Shepherd should accompany Adeline home for a visit. The Holy Spirit assisted the idea and soon everyone wanted a chance to take the “traveling Good Shepherd” home for a week.
Adeline beamed when she was allowed to take the figurine home. The Gutowski family incorporated the figurine into their prayer life at home. New inspirations, discussions, and deeper learning opportunities centered on the love the Good Shepherd shows to his sheep— members of his flock.
“It felt wonderful having the Good Shepherd in our house to protect us,” said Adeline and her two sisters. “Also, if we were nervous or scared about a problem we knew the Shepherd would be helping us.”
The “traveling Good Shepherd” is already visiting another student’s home. Charleigh Stroup, who will be making her First Holy Communion in May, was excited to be the next one in line to take the figurine home.
The beauty of God working in the hearts and minds of His littlest learners inside the atrium was evident through deeper contemplation of Jesus’ parables centering on His proclamation, “I am the Good Shepherd. I know my sheep and they know me.” (John 10:14)
All 10 children in Level II will be given an opportunity to take home the “traveling Good Shepherd,” to share His love with their family. We are grateful for Adeline’s courage to ask to let the Good Shepherd go home with her— through her, a new spiritual experience opened up for all families.

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