We thank the young people who came forward to introduce themselves and state their desire to receive the Sacrament of Holy Confirmation during the Rite of Choice, at the 11:15 a.m. Mass on Sunday, Jan. 26. Another special thanks goes to the sponsors who are taking the time to share their faith, be Catholic witnesses, and spend meaningful time with their candidates as they journey closer to the sacrament date. The Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered by Bishop Earl Boyea at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, March 24. Please pray for these candidates and their sponsors:
Sofia Bihar – Claudia Bihar
Payton Coxon — Rylee Coxon
Jack Hillard — Rob Sears
Rachel Hillard — Kim Sears
Gabrielle Huckleberry — Hannah Mahon
Colin Priest — Robert Birchmeier
Miriam Sharpe — Laura Sharpe
Caiden Stroup — Joshua Stroup
Coming Soon… Resurrection Box of Joy! The parish community is invited to participate in a Parish Lenten Project to help serve needy children from St. Luke’s New Life Center in Flint. Sr. Carol has provided our parish an abundant supply of shoe boxes. The boxes will be decorated with an image of Our Resurrected Lord and a special message. Parishioners can take a box home and fill it with items for a child beginning the week of Ash Wednesday, March 5– you choose girl or boy! Items can include: prayer cards, religious books, small food items, Easter candy, socks, shorts, shirts, slippers, small toys, crayons, pencils, jewelry, art supplies, etc. (no weapons or inappropriate items). Return boxes to the parish hall and all Boxes of Joy will be delivered to the children the week of Palm Sunday –in time for Easter!
Religious Ed Registration Form (print and fill out)