- Do you have questions about the Catholic faith and are not Catholic?
- Are you a Christian who wants to learn more about Catholicism?
- Has God been calling you to consider the Catholic Christian faith?
- Are you an adult Catholic who has never received First Holy Communion?
If you have answered yes to any of these questions… please JOIN US!
Please note that you need not have decided to become Catholic to begin the first part of the OCIA called the Inquiry Classes. It’s a low-pressure way to get some answers, learn to pray or pray more deeply, and learn about the beauty and wonder of the Body of Christ, the Church.
The next step is signing up for The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) sessions (formerly RCIA), which will help to prepare you for the sacraments that will bring you into full communion with the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil.
What is OCIA?
OCIA, the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, is the process by which persons become fully initiated Catholics. OCIA is for adults:
- Who were never baptized.
- Who were baptized in another Christian faith and who wish to become Catholic.
- Who were baptized Catholics but were never confirmed.
OCIA meets weekly on Sundays, starting in September. Sessions typically include prayer and instruction on some aspect of the Catholic faith.
Each OCIA candidate is paired with a parish sponsor who also attends the weekly sessions. Candidates are initiated gradually through a series of liturgical rites. They receive the sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil, the highlight of the Church year.
What is the Role of Sponsors?
Sponsors play an important role in the initiation process. They remind us that we are participating in a process of conversion, which involves a personal experience of being welcomed into a faith community of human persons. OCIA sponsors represent the faith community; they insure that no individual walks the journey of conversion on their own.
Parish Sponsors serve as formal representatives of the Catholic faith
community. They are active Catholics who represent the local parish
community, and, by extension, the universal church. Parish Sponsors may
be personal friends or relatives of the candidate (such as a spouse or
fiancé) if they are also members of the local parish community and are
able and willing to assume responsibilities of the Sponsor.
Got more questions or concerns don’t hesitate to call us at 810-639-7600.
May God Bless you on your journey.